--- title: "short update on my life" description: "why i have been less active (and will be for the near future)" author: "slonkazoid" created_at: 2024-09-18T01:40:00+03:00 tags: - life - meta --- # short update on my life lately i've been writing much code, or showing a public presence at all. if you know me, you know programming is my *biggest* passion and i couldn't imagine a me that can't bend computers to their will. unfortunately, life has other plans. ## where have i been the past week? studying, mostly. it is no secret to any person living in turkey that our education system is a joke, is built to raise people that do not question authority and do not complain about their circumstances, and the entrance exams do not accomodate neurodivergence, students with actual skill in their fields, "*invisible disabilities*", etc. it's designed in such a way that you **will** spend most of your time on preparing for the exam and you **won't** even think about how this is really just picking the most exploitable, complacent people that are also the luckiest in the genetic lottery… for "representing" the student populace of the nation. please just ignore that we're still in economic freefall, please ignore how miserable everyone is, and please ignore how the most talented, passionate people never make it because they happened to have adhd or something. oh also, i lost my luks keyslots (and a lot of data with them) ## so, am i taking a break from coding? of course not! i will continue creating. i will continue imoroving. i will continue doing what i love. besides, i could not do it even ifi wanted to. i'm past the poing of no return. the difference will be in that i'm going to be doing this way less frequently, probably working less on my own projects, instead, contributing more to other projects. gonna *try* to not start any personal projects for the time being (paid projects will have special handling 👀), hut every programmer knows that not starting dumb projects is impossible. a slonk can try at least. ## what am i gonna work on the time being? idk. probably stuff that i use or like. for example, i could fix that bug where vesktoo crashes when you cancel tbe portal screenshare dialog, or i could keep pursuing my sway pr that aims to get the *one useful patch* from sway-slonk-git upstreamed. what i feel like, really. it is kind of freeing to not have to put out new things but still being able to write meaningful code. ## where's the png post‽‽‽ gone, with the rest of the data. including the tool i wrote to create the container-pngs. sorry for the disappointment. i will get back to work on that sometime. that time is not today, though. ## conclusion this place sux. i just want to get in a good uni. had to make sacrifices. geography games have taken over my mind btw